Mais la pente est forte (But the slope is steep) is a play of anticipation: in a dystopian universe, a near future not so far from us, a round of characters tries to exist in a society where the social divide is such that trees only grow among those who “have”, where inter-generational credit is the lot of the middle class and where, in order to defend freedom of expression, each person has to shout louder than the others to be heard.
Here neo-liberalism seems to have destroyed all social ties in favour of transactions that rarely benefit the most needy : The resignation of public cultural services, political manoeuvring, denunciation, corruption, the partiality of the judiciary, national education sold out to multinationals and so many subjects which are not without reminding us of our current situation.
Mais la pente est forte (But the slope is steep) is a subtle and terrifying mirror of the dysfunctions of our current society.
Mais la pente est forte (But the slope is steep) is the result of the work carried out with the participants of the weekly workshop – Méthode de l’acteur #3 – 2021/2022 – and directed by Sandrine Nogueira.
2022 / Neue Bühne Friedrichshain
Text Sarah Pèpe
Direction Sandrine Nogueira
Assistant Cloé De Coquereaumont
With Maiwenn Charpentier, Sophie Furlotti, Louise Giraud, Justine Grammatikas, Cédric Hammar, Oriane Mack-Mallick, Bertrand Malpel, Chloé Ribousque, Frieden Wormser, Klodie Zengbe, Anne-Sophie Zunino et la participation de Benjamin de Boissezon, Eve Chaves, Julien Colieux, Charlotte Ganster, Bruno Gozlan, Sarah Lecarpentier, Julie Maman, Anke Mandler, Claire Saillour.
Technical direction Torsten Eißrich.