HERO.INE.S presents the life of a travelling theatre company.
It’s a family, partly by blood, partly by stage.
From the dressing rooms to the kitchens to the stage, we take you on a tour of a temporary camp, a little precarious, a little makeshift.
These characters are young, sparkling and romantic, but also full of doubts and desires.
Each is looking for their place, here or elsewhere, in a troupe or on their own. Slightly disappointed with the life they lead, they are looking for adventure, dreaming and fantasising about new lives, big stages and big cities.
They are alone, together.
A show is about to be performed, but you won’t see it.
The actors are leaving the stage and we’re celebrating an important event, an engagement.
This evening will be a bit special.
The conflict is constantly on the verge of exploding. They argue. They fight.
But there’s also singing, laughter and deep love.
This company is at a turning point in its history.
These characters raise existential questions with clear-sightedness, humanity and humour.
With vitality they express what is most essential in themselves, and with necessity they reveal themselves to the gaze of others.
Who are the HERO.INE.S here? The characters? We doubt it. The actors, certainly.
HERO.INE.S is the result of the work done by and with the participants to the weekly course ‘Méthode de l’Acteur.ice‘ #2 – 2019/2020 – led by Sandrine Nogueira & TFB/Théâtre en Français à Berlin.
2020 / Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte
Adapted from Nous, les héros de J. L Lagarce
Direction Sandrine Nogueira
Assistant Cloé De Coquereaumont
With Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux, Quentin Dequiret, Mathilde Dewavrin, Joris Dragoman, Sophie Furlotti, Louise Giraud, Joséphine Grout de Beaufort, Bertrand Malpel, Garance Maurer, Anne Sophie Zunino
Video Joris Dragoman
Lights Sylvain Faye
Photos Ronald Spratte