IRREDUCTIBLES : “That cannot be reduced, put in its place; that cannot be assimilated to anything else; that has its own, specific, fundamentally original nature; that cannot be reduced to a simpler state; that cannot be diminished, restricted, reduced to a smaller quantity; that cannot be overcome. That cannot be subdued, defeated or convinced“. (source CNRLT)
This performance is a journey through space and time that explores the heritage, complexities and relevance of feminism. It questions the rules and norms of our patriarchal society, and how we can continue to question them without losing ourselves.
The short scenes we have chosen feature characters who, in turn, are unable to live according to their true desires, become aware of their renunciations, experience toxic love affairs, take a look at their bodies, or are simply confused by so many unknown values. What they all have in common is a sense of discomfort, a need to understand the origins of what ails them and to change the way they perceive the world.
IRRÉDUCTIBLES is 20 actors who have debated, sometimes agreed, sometimes disagreed, who have woken up, who have been shaken up and who, above all, have sincerely probed themselves. They will accompany you on an unusual, funny and wise stroll, sharing their desire to live in complete freedom, equality and adelphity.
Some of the chosen texts have been shared with us by CoLec, Berlin’s women’s and feminist French-language drama writing committee.
IRRÉDUCTIBLES is tes result of the work done by and with the participants to the weekly course ‘Méthode de l’Acteur·ice‘ #2 & #3 2018/2019 led by Sandrine Nogueira & Théâtre en Français à Berlin.
2019 / Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte
Texts Martin Crimp, Noémie De Lattre, Eve Ensler, Catherine Léger, Magali Mougel, Pauline Payrade, Sarah Pèpe
Montage & Direction Sandrine Nogueira
Assistant Bérengère Emma Seven
With Catherine Bauder, Mélinée Benamou, Vincent Bouchard, Julie Cartier, Mélanie Chamalot, Cloé De Coquereaumont, Anne-Sophie Debrabant, Quentin Dequiret, Bérengère Emma Seven, Marie Hoffmann, Sophie Jézéquel, Chloé Kayser, Judith Lavagna, Oriane Mack-Mallick, Chloé Risboourque, Camille Roduit, Astrid Rostaing, Nicolas Theys, Elodie Vince, Frieder Wormser
Lights Sylvain Faye.