They are fragile, a little hesitant, free-spirited and cultured, funny and sensitive, and above all full of dreams and desires. They’re bored in the countryside. To pass the time, they celebrate with their friends, philosophise about life and the future of humanity.
They belong to a world that is disappearing. Time passes, the seasons go by, while projections for the future slowly fade away and the world, both inside and out, is ravaged, giving way to mediocrity and resignation.
These 3 sisters struggle to keep their hopes alive while slowly tearing themselves away from the light-hearted insouciance of childhood and their utopias. Everyone is on edge, on the verge of breaking point.
The optimism of these 10 characters, struggling not to give in to discouragement, resonates cruelly with our own age, full of questions and fears. The mourning they experience as they leave behind their world of childhood and enter another, more confusing, unknown world of adulthood calls for reflection.
Fragment des 3 soeurs is the result of the work done by and with the participants to the weekly course ‘Méthode de l’Acteur·ice‘ #1 2018/2019 led by Sandrine Nogueira & Théâtre en Français à Berlin.
2019 / Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte
Adapted from Anton Tchekhov
Direction Sandrine Nogueira
With Jeanne Astrup, Bertrand Chatenet, Mathilde Dewavrin, Joris Dragoman, Timothy Dumont, Lucas Lamberto Marques, Marin Lorant, Bénédicte Pignol, Claudia Roussel, Lara Schauss.